How to Reduce Screen Time in One Week

How to Reduce Screen Time in One Week

Give your family a new perspective on life without mindless screen time.

by Melanie Hempe, BSN, Founder of ScreenStrong


Are you exhausted over screen time limits in your home? Do your kids need a break from video games and smartphones? Do you need a plan to reduce screen time, but don’t know where to start?

If your kids are attached to their screens, they need to be rescued from their virtual worlds. Now. By you. Your children need you to guard them, to minimize the stress in their lives, and guide them to reach their highest potential. Your child needs you to take a bold step to get back on track.

We are here to help you take that first step toward resetting your kids’ screen time and reconnecting your family. We’ve designed a seven-day challenge that will help you give your kids a much-needed break from their all-encompassing virtual worlds. These seven days will give your family a new perspective on what life can be like without mindless screen time.

I’m done experimenting with my kids, their devices, and what ‘might’ happen. We have about six years left until they’re all out of the house. I’d rather experiment with what will happen with no personal screens–only good can come out of this!  We are already getting our kids back…it’s amazing!”

—Mom of 3 after The ScreenStrong Challenge (San Antonio, TX)

What is The ScreenStrong Challenge?

The ScreenStrong Challenge is a week-long break from video games and smartphones. It is designed to give your kids an opportunity to experience the things they’ve missed out on since gaming and social media stole their free time. It is a chance to try other hobbies and activities without the constant distraction of recreational screens. It is a chance to step back, recharge, and reconnect with each other as a family. In short, for one week, you will experience what it is like to keep the benefits of screens but remove the problems. 

The Benefits of The ScreenStrong Challenge

  • Reduced screen conflicts in your home.
  • Increased family attachment.
  • Reduced stress, anxiety, anger, and frustration that often comes from managing recreational screen use.  
  • Increased interest in less addictive recreational activities. 

“Going phoneless for a week, I not only got more sleep but I woke up later because I shockingly did not care as much about how I looked. On Snapchat, I was not constantly looking at myself in the phone camera for the right picture to send to my friends. The freedom to not care about looking “perfect” was relieving. Furthermore, the need to prove myself or feel validated slowly disappeared.” 

Teenager who took The ScreenStrong Challenge

You will be more successful when you have support. That’s why we will give you access to a private online community with other parents who are going through the challenge. Our ScreenStrong Ambassadors will be there to help you as well.

The ScreenStrong Challenge will help you find your way out of the dark virtual world and into the freedom of real life. It will be exciting to see the benefits of life without screen conflicts. Are you ready? Take a week-long break now—it may be the best parenting decision you ever make!

I actually enjoyed not having my phone around. I felt healthier without it and I was no longer carrying around this burden in my pocket every day. As the week continued, I reached for my phone less, enjoyed my books more, and observed how life would be without the constant “time-fill” that is technology. It was nice—very nice. 

—Teenager who took The ScreenStrong Challenge