Family Bundle
When popular opinions fall short
Screen science steps in!

Family Bundle
When popular opinions fall short
Screen science steps in!
Prevention Made Affordable
Less than the Cost of a Single Counseling Session
The ScreenStrong
Family Bundle

What’s Included In The Bundle?
3 powerful resources
Bundled together for the most effective way to transform your home.

Parent Course
Learn The Science
Approved by medical experts, this two-part, self-paced course offers parents a foundation for understanding screen addiction, the latest brain development science, and the evidence-based solution for treating screen addiction.
Next, explain the science to the kids!

Student Course
Equip Your Child
Equip your children with screen science and help them improve their mental health, strengthen relationships, and regain control of their time. This unique course was designed with students in mind, written in language they will understand.
You get the print textbook!
300 color pages of pure fun

A Complete Curriculum
- Eight Colorful Lessons (three sections each)
- Lesson Worksheets and Quizzes
- 24 Lesson Plans
- 24 Activity Sheets
- 7-Day Challenge Screen Detox for Classroom
- Friday Fun Night Instructions
- Escape from Screen Jail Bonus Challenge
- Digital Course Access with Bulk Classroom Purchase
- Scope and Sequence
A great fit for…
- science class
- health class
- psychology class
- digital literacy
- and more
Give your student the life changing answers they need
to THRIVE—without breaking the bank.
Finally, your lifeline!

Connect Plus
Belong To Community
You will get access to our best content for three months.
- Private online forum
- 30-day reset mini-course with student videos
- First lesson of Student Course
- First lesson of Parent Course
- E-books
- And much more!
Learn more about our community.
The ScreenStrong
Family Bundle

"An important first step in changing screen habits is understanding the dynamics between the brain and technology, and how children and teens are uniquely vulnerable. Clear, compelling, and grounded in neuroscience, this course exceeded my expectations. Highly recommend!"
—Dr. Victoria Dunckley, M.D. Integrative Child, Adolescent & Adult Psychiatry, author of Reset Your Child’s Brain: A Four Week Plan to End Meltdowns, Raise Grades and Boost Social Skills by Reversing the Effects of Electronic Screen Time.

“The ScreenStrong Parent Course is the single best resource, in response to the greatest challenge of our age. Every parent and grandparent, every law enforcement officer and mental health provider, and everyone who cares about the future of our civilization, must take their Kids' Brains & Screens course."
—Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, USA (ret.) Airborne Ranger infantry officer, Former West Point psychology professor, Professor of Military Science and author of Assassination Generation, On Killing, On Combat, and On Spiritual Combat.

"Parents will be blown away by this remarkable and compelling course! It’s packed with the real science you need to make informed decisions about the media and technology your kids use. You will find a ton of 'A-ha!' moments, as the Kids’ Brains & Screens Course confirms what you likely know down deep is right for your child or teen."
—Dr. Richard Freed, Ph.D. Licensed Clinical Psychologist and author of Wired Child: Reclaiming Childhood in a Digital Age